Monday, 16 April 2012

5 WEEKS OUT- Kelowna Western Canadians

Yay….5 weeks out!

BCABBA Membership Card
Its official I received my BCABBA Membership Card as well as my confirmantion for the Kelowna show. Hair, Make-up, Tanning all booked!!!!

It was a great week of TRAIN, EAT, SLEEP AND REPEAT!!! With a full work schedule, family time and a bit of social life all bundled up into a week. Yup it was busy!!! Rewarding but busy.
I have adjusted emotionally to my meal plan which was a relief and allowed me to fully focus on training hard and not focusing so much on food. With my body in full machine mode I did feel hungry. First time in this prep experience….I will have to remember that for my next contest prep…he he at 6 weeks you get really hungry at the 2 hour mark and with the distinction between hunger and cravings …I am truly hungry no cravings or mind games this week. I am determined and motivated to bring my best to stage and have fun along the way. This is the week I realized that you truly have to be happy to be able to do this type of disciplined training, meal planning and everything else involved in prepping for a show. I know I have said it before but it really helps having my husband prepping for the same show and just being able to understand what’s happening to you is also happening to your partner. Supporting each other has been huge…some days I need more support and some days he needs some TLC as well so being there for each other is important.
After a full week of training meal planning….I was kind of done....This past Saturday marked 5 weeks out and although there were no weight ins or BF testing….I did drop about 2 lbs. in weight….This is great progress. I started with 121.8lbs at 12 weeks and weighed in at 108.0lbs on the dot on Saturday morning….with 5 weeks left there will be very little left of me….It all happens in the kitchen that’s for sure… can run you can workout all you want but if you don’t feed your body proper nutrition nothing happens.
With a full week behind me on Saturday after training with Leigh and posing class I booked myself for needed and well deserved reward…..a chiropractic treatment followed by massage therapy! Ahhhh heavenly! I felt like a new woman! And since there were no line ups on the US border we made a quick family trip across for some needed food supplies. We were in line for mere minutes before entering Costco Bellingham on a Saturday afternoon…Are we nuts?! Even the customs officer thought we were very brave to go to Costco on a Saturday….and to our surprise it was busy but smooth and quick exit within an hour and $600.00 later mostly on proteins and we were on the way to Fred Meyer for spices…
Thank goodness we have a deep freezer it limits our food shopping to once every two months and a huge savings as organic proteins are less than half price in the US than they are in Canada.
I get asked quite often about what we eat to stay fit. I won’t go into what I am currently eating as it’s not suited to someone not competing and I have an agreement with my trainer and I do pay for it after all to prep for my show so there. But the off-season grocery list we take to the store and follow is Michi’s Ladder. Here is a bit of info on how it works and you can clink on the link below to download the list if you’re interested.

Climb Michi's Ladder
Michi's Ladder is not a diet. It's a simple substitution plan. To lose weight, try swapping the foods you eat for similar foods in tiers 1 and 2. The more you eat in tiers 1 and 2, the more you'll increase your chances of losing weight.
There are some healthy foods in lower tiers, but they're either calorie dense or nutrient deficient. To lose weight, you want to maximize the nutrients in every calorie you consume.
Note on frying: Foods should be eaten raw, steamed, grilled, poached, baked, or broiled. Frying automatically drops even the best foods into tier 5.


The food journey is something that is a huge part 80-90% of my fit life journey and it all starts with how you feed the body....I read a quote which is my motivation for this week
"What you eat in private shows in public"

Till next week the fit life journey continues.

Thank you for reading

Grace xo

1 comment:

  1. This week I have really been feeling the hunger!!!! LOL!! I can definetley notice the difference between cravings and real hunger!
