Monday, 9 April 2012

6 WEEKS OUT- Kelowna Western Canadians

With less than 6 weeks to go...I have noticed some pretty significant changes this week! Since my last weight in I dropped 4lbs and 1% of BF....getting so close to the 10% mark.
My meal plan has been tightened slightly…..which is ok….it’s only 6 weeks….haha easier said than done J

I had a strong week of doubles ….switched it up slightly with cardio in the evening 3 days a week as the weight area at the rec centre has been packed and hard to focus on your own workout when it’s this ridiculously busy.

My quote for the week during each cardio session:

“No One Ever Drowned in Sweat but I Will Keep Trying” Not sure where I saw this but I like it….keeps me pushing on.

Cardio seemed more intense this week ….I am definitely getting smaller and leaning out as my lulus are feeling loose but still need to tighten up the blessed lower half of me. I have 6 weeks to get that in order J

It’s been nice to have a few extra days off through Easter to rest up, cook, portion and freeze meals for two for the week…lol

We sure are going through a lot of egg whites….wish they came in one gallon jugs….redefining jug nation lol

Speaking of jugs this week I found drinking water hard….I can barely get the three liters in me….I will try to get to a full jug this week every day!!!! This is my mission. I feel better and my workouts are so much stronger when I get the water in my body.

I never noticed it before but somehow this week it was hard to drink up….hmmmm?

Life is good.....6 week and counting!

Thank you for reading

Grace xo

Me and my Honey Training on Saturday (6 week mark)

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